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MONITECH at AC Battery Systems 2023
MONITECH Showcases Cutting-Edge EV Battery Welding Solutions at Battery Systems in Car...
MONITECH Showcases EV Battery Welding Innovation at SMWC XX Livonia, Michigan, USA – MONITE...
MONITECH Showcases Innovative Welding Monitoring Solutions at FABTECH 2024 Orlando, USA – M...
A 92, Saebyeoksijang-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan
T (+82) 51-311-8691
F (+82) 51-311-8692
MONITECH establishes and discloses the following privacy statements to protect personal information about the information subject pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act of Article 30, and handles the related complaints seamlessly.
We will inform you about the purpose of your personal information through our privacy policy and what measures are being taken to protect personal information.
Consent to collect personal information
MONITECH established a procedure which you can click the "Accept" button or the "Do not agree" button on the contents of the MONITECH website(,
and we deem that you agreed to the collection of personal information by clicking the "I agree" button.
※ This service (site) does not collect personal information of children under the age of 14 and does not post or provide harmful information to children.
The purpose of collecting personal information MONITECH'swebsitecollectsonlytheminimumpersonalinformationnecessaryfortheuseoftheserviceatthetimeofregistration.
Personal information that is processed is not used for purposes other than the following. If the purpose of use is changed, we will implement necessary measures, such as obtaining consent in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act of Article 18.
You are required to input your desired ID, password, name, address, phone number, mobile number, e-mail, date of birth, IPIN DI (check duplicate sign-up) in order to use the services of MONITECH's homepage. However, there is no limit to the use of the service even if you do not input the selected item (such as the relationship with MONITECH).